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Your subscription fee is paid till: 30 December 2000. Thank you!
Registration ID: 9798211 Mohammad Sayedul Haque Nick Name: Sayedul Gender: Male Faculty: Agriculture Institutional Affiliation with Designation: Monitoring Specialist (Individual Consultant), LGED Date of Birth: 11/05/1980 Blood Group: AB+ Present Address: 165/2, Green Road, Dhaka-1204. Permanent Address: Vill: Baruajani; Post office: Kakarkandi; Upazila: Nalitabari District: Sherpur Shirt Size: XXL 01767495022 sayedulbau@gmail.com Spouse: Najmun Naher, Kids: …
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Registration ID: 9798210 Md Tariqul Islam Nick Name: Tariq Gender: Male Faculty: Fisheries Institutional Affiliation with Designation: Professor, Rajshahi University Date of Birth: 02/22/1981 Blood Group: B+ Present Address: Department of Fisheries University of Rajshahi Rajshahi-6205 Permanent Address:Village: Kathohali Miapara, P.O.+Upz- Dupchanchia, District- Bogura Shirt Size: M 01712697251 tariqul.fish@ru.ac.bd Spouse: Mst Sufia Akter, Kids: …
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Registration ID: 9798207 Md. Shahin Alam Nick Name: Shahin Gender: Male Faculty: Veterianry Science Institutional Affiliation with Designation: PSO, BLRI Date of Birth: 06/26/1980 Blood Group: B+ Present Address: E-1/1. Officer’s Apartment, BLRI, Savar, Dhaka-1341 Permanent Address:Durgahata, Gabtoli, Bogra Shirt Size: L 01313144224 shahin_vet@yahoo.com Spouse: , Kids: 2 , Dependent: 3.
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Registration ID: 9798209 AKM Ryhan Akhlas Nick Name: Tushar Gender: Male Faculty: Agriculture Institutional Affiliation with Designation: Director, SME Utility Services Ltd Date of Birth: 08/10/1980 Blood Group: O+ Present Address: 54 Cedar Road Dartford Kent DA1 2RS. Permanent Address:Village: Ulatta Kahaloo, Bogura 07805299453 ryhan.bayer@yahoo.com Shirt Size: XL Spouse: Yasmin Fatema, Kids: Nabeeha Ilhan, …
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Registration ID: 9798208 Mahabub Rahman Nick Name: Mahbub Gender: Male Faculty: Agriculture Institutional Affiliation with Designation: Senior Assistant Vice President, Mutual Trust Bank PLC Date of Birth: 01/02/1981 Blood Group: O+ Present Address: Prokoushali Bhaban, Rajbari Road, Joydebpur, Gazipur. Permanent Address: Vill: Khalisha Khali, Post: Mondolgati, PS: Mohammadpur, Dist: Magura. 01914107363 mmre5bau97@gmail.com Shirt Size: …